To remove the illusion of separation between ourselves and the Divine eternal energy of love, mystic bliss, and wholeness…that is the purpose.To feel the words of the great souls…the poets and saints…as a Certainty and taste the bliss they have written of, deep within our souls….that is path and reason.
Sweet loves….
Loving every layer of ourselves, the light and shadow is the way. Tonight my spirit is dancing and my heart is open with such strength…I know it must be beyond myself.It is the compassion of the Great Spirit guiding with tenderness. It is lifetimes of hope, faith and prayers coming through. I struggle to get out of the way for the flow of light. I let go of feeling unworthy, of any fear, and thoughts that bite with sharpness. I take refuge in the energy that feels like an embrace of such love….there are not words to describe it.
Find me at the Sacred Fire in the Dreamtime. Sit with me and watch the flames touch the sky.Be in the timelessness.Open your heart in safe, sacred vulnerability.Call out….and allow the energy, divine energy, to enter.Since the beginning of the beginning…Astarte, Inanna, White Star, She of a Thousand Names, Shakti…has answered the call of her children. Open…and be here with me in the love.